25 February 2011

History of National Day in Brunei

For 96 years, Brunei was a protectorate of Britain. It’s believed that the first British contact with the people of the region came in 1839, when British explorer James Brooke arrived to the city of Kuching, Sarawak, then a part of the Sultanate of Brunei. Upon his arrival, he found that the settlement was fighting an uprising against the Sultan of Brunei. Brooke was hesitant to help, but upon returning again in 1941, he agreed to aid the Sultan’s head of government, Rajah Muda Hassim.

Rajah Hassim, who had promised Brooke control of Sarawak in vague overtures in 1839, made similar promises to Brooke. However, the situation in Sarawak worsened as a cruel local tribal chief, Pangeran Macota, threatened both the wellbeing of the citizens and of Brooke. Additionally, Rajah Hassim made little effort to make good on the promises made to Brooke.

Things came to a head when on September 24, 1841, Brooke and 200 loyalists armed themselves and demanded audience with the Rajah. Brooke declared that if the Rajah didn’t turn over control of Sarawak to Brooke, Brooke would be forced to attack Macota and take control himself. Rajah Hassim quickly drew up the documents making Brooke governor of Sarawak. He later was appointed as Rajah by the Sultan on August 18, 1842.

Conflict between the Sultan and Brooke led to the defeat of the Sultan in 1943. The British attacked the Sultan again in 1946, and the Sultan later ceded more territory to the British with hopes of peace. These events led to further British control of the region until finally Brunei became a British protectorate in 1888. As decades passed and prosperity grew, control slow was wrested from Britain. A new constitution in 1959 made Brunei a self-governing state, leaving only matters of defense to Britain.

With much fanfare, Brunei’s independence was finally gained on January 1, 1984, though British protection didn’t end until February 23. Thus, on February 23, 1984, the first National Day was celebrated in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei.

National Flag

The National Crest of Brunei Darussalam has developed from a Royal emblem and in its original form still maintains its status as one of the Royal emblems. The present National Crest was superimposed on the National flag after promulgation of the 1959 Brunei Constitution. The crest consists of:
Bendera: the flag

Payung Ubor-Ubor: the Royal Umbrella
The Bendera and Payung Ubor-Ubor have been Royal regalia's since the creation of the crest.
Sayap: the wing of four feathers
Symbolizes the protection of justice, tranquility, prosperity and peace.
Tangan or Kimhap: the hand
Signifies the Government's pledge to promote welfare, peace and prosperity.
Bulan: the crescent
The symbol of Islam, the national religion of Brunei Darussalam. The characters inscribed on the crescent (...) in yellow Arabic script is the state motto, which can be roughly translated: "Always Render Service with God's Guidance"
The scroll beneath the crest reads "Brunei Darussalam" which means "Brunei, the abode of peace".

Memories Of First National Day

BRUNEI DARUSALAM'S independence celebrations began with the official opening ceremony of the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium on 23rd September 1983. That date coincided with the 70th birthday of His Majesty's father, Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Saadul Khairi Waddien.

On 31st December 1983, the independence celebration was continued with the lighting up of coloured light decorations in Bandar Seri Begawan. Lighted and really beautifully decorated archways were built all over the country.

Many Bruneians thronged to Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque in the city centre for the recital of 'Surah Yassin' and 'Doa Selamat'. Despite the heavy rain, the mosque was filled to capacity and many prayed in the open courtyard drenched with rain.
After the ceremony, everyone went to Taman Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien. With everyone coming from all the districts, the place was jammed to the brim. They came with one purpose the Proclamation of Independence for Brunei Darussalam at the stroke of midnight.

At 12.01am, His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah read the Proclamation of Independence and His Royal Highness Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Saadul Khairi Waddien led the calling out three times of 'Allahu Akbar' after the proclamation.

The Taman was immediately lighted up with the words of "Allahu Akbar" and "Merdeka Negara Brunei Darussalam 1984" in Roman and Arabic scripts accompanied with the beatings of the hadrah and the firing of the 21-gun salute.

Fifty four days later, in totally contrasting weather, on a hot and sunny day on 23rd February 1984, there was another big crowd. This time the crowd was at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium. They came with one purpose to participate in Brunei's first National Day celebrations.

The celebrations for the first National Day was participated by everyone in Brunei. Very much like today, prior to the celebrations, many preparations were made. Rehearsals for the field performances and for the march past were held in the weeks prior to the National Day.

In the city centre and along the main roads coloured lights and arches decorate the roads once again. Bandar Seri Begawan lit up brightly and colourfully at night. Everyone looked forward to the first national day especially since the Proclamation of Independence had gone smoothly on the eve of 1st January 1984.

The first National Day started at dawn. Many woke up early and by dawn all kinds of vehicles were heading towards the national stadium. Some came as early as 3.30 in the morning. There were already thousands of participants from every corner of Brunei Darussalam, from the young to the old, parents and their children, teachers and all their students as well as teams of various organisations and ministries both private and public.

The first national day was also attended by foreign representatives including a King, a President, several Prime Ministers, Ambassadors, High Commissioners and many other representatives and guests from more than 70 countries around the world. Prominent among those were from Asean, the Commonwealth and Islamic countries.

The national anthem "Allah Peliharakan Sultan" was sung by students of colleges and upper secondary schools when His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaullah arrived. The students' singing was accompanied by music played by the combined bands of the Royal Brunei Police Force and the Royal Brunei Armed Forces.

A combined school band comprising of various schools' students wearing attractive uniforms performed several displays including the formation of eight cardinal directions with a circle at the centre signifying Brunei's independence; a second pattern representing a ship helm while symbolising development in line with Islamic principles; and a third pattern representing a rotating fan signifying the prosperity of the country in line with development in the scientific and technological world.

Other performances included a 'silat' martial arts demonstration performed by 500 youths, a dance display by a contingent of young Brunei ladies wearing green and brown 'kebayas', a contingent of 550 young farmers that were displaying beautiful patterns representing fertility, strength of character and perseverance, and a contingent of young fishermen displaying the kilong and a traditional fishing boat.
The march past in front of the crowd was led by 40 youths carrying the giant Brunei Darussalam flag measuring 12 feet by 24 feet. Other participants in the march past were civil servants and personnel from all the Brunei Shell companies and subsidiaries.

There were also a hadrah performance performed by 1,200 Bruneians all wearing 'cara Melayu' while another 10,000 students held coloured umbrellas and flip cards to display the slogan in Jawi. Patriotic songs were all sung throughout the performances.

!The recital of the first oath of loyalty was led by Awang Haji Abd Rahim bin Haji Metussin who was a student at the Sixth Form Centre (now Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah).

At the same time, gold coloured confetti showered the crowd from two huge balloons floating in the air above the stadium. Exactly 1,984 balloons were released together with 1,404 pigeons representing the year of 1984 and the year of hijra of 1404.
Just as the proclamation of independence ceremony had gone so smoothly, so too did the very first national day ceremony. Similarly, everyone was involved in the Proclamation so was the first national day, it had been participated by everyone in Brunei Darussalam.-times

Sejarah Brunei Darussalam

Brunei atau secara rasminya Negara Brunei Darussalam ialah sebuah negara kecil yang kaya dengan sumber minyak dan terletak di sebelah utara pulau Borneo. Brunei dikelilingi Malaysia dengan dua bahagian Brunei dipisahkan di daratan oleh Malaysia.
Nama Borneo diambil berdasarkan nama negara ini. Ini adalah disebabkan pada zaman dahulu, Brunei mempunyai pengaruh dan kuasa yang kuat di pulau Borneo.

Para pengkaji sejarah telah mempercayai bahawa terdapatnya sebuah kerajaan lain sebelum tertubuhnya Kesultanan Brunei kini, yang digelar orang Cina sebagai Po-ni. Catatan orang Cina dan orang Arab menunjukkan bahawa kerajaan perdagangan kuno ini wujud di muara Sungai Brunei seawal abad ke-7 atau ke-8. Kerajaan awal ini pernah ditakluk empayar Srivijaya yang berpusat di Sumatra pada awal abad ke-sembilan Masehi dan seterusnya menguasai Borneo utara dan gugusan kepulauan Filipina. Kerajaan ini juga pernah dijajah Empayar Majapahit yang berpusat di pulau Java tetapi berjaya membebaskan dirinya dan kembali sebagai sebuah negeri yang penting
Empayar Brunei melalui zaman kegemilangannya dari abad ke-15 hingga abad ke-17, sewaktu ia memperluaskan kekuasaannya ke seluruh pulau Borneo dan ke Filipina di sebelah utaranya.
Brunei mencapai kemuncak kekuasaannya pada zaman pemerintahan Sultannya yang kelima iaitu Sultan Bolkiah (1485 - 1524), yang terkenal disebabkan pengembaraan baginda di laut, malah pernah seketika menakluki Manila; dan pada zaman pemerintahan sultan yang kesepuluh, Sultan Muhammad Hasan (سلطان محمد حسن) (TM 1582 - 1598), yang membangunkan susun atur adat istiadat kerajaan dan istana yang masih kekal hingga ke hari ini.
Selepas zaman Sultan Hassan, Brunei memasuki zaman kejatuhan berpunca dari pergolakan dalaman disebabkan perebutan kuasa antara waris diraja, juga disebabkan timbulnya pengaruh kuasa penjajah Eropah di rantau sebelah sini, yang menggugat corak perdagangan tradisi, serta memusnahkan asas ekonomi Brunei dan kesultanan Asia Tenggara yang lain.

Pada tahun 1839, pengembara Inggeris bernama James Brooke tiba di Borneo dan membantu Sultan menundukkan sebuah pemberontakan. Sebagai balasan, beliau dilantik menjadi gabenor dan kemudiannya "Rajah" Sarawak (سراوق) di barat laut Borneo sebelum meluaskan kawasan di bawah pemerintahannya.
Pada masa yang sama, Syarikat Borneo Utara British sedang meluaskan penguasaannya di timur laut Borneo. Pada tahun 1888, Brunei menjadi sebuah negeri di bawah perlindungan kerajaan British dengan mengekalkan kedaulatan dalam negerinya, tetapi dengan hal ehwal luar negara bawah kawalan British. Pada tahun 1906, Brunei menerima suatu lagi langkah perluasan kuasa British apabila kuasa eksekutif dipindahkan kepada seorang residen British, yang menasihati baginda Sultan dalam semua perkara, kecuali yang bersangkut-paut dengan adat istiadat tempatan dan agama.

Pada tahun 1959, Brunei mengisytiharkan kerajaan baru yang berkuasa memerintah kecuali dalam isu hubungan luar, keamanan dan pertahanan dimana isu-isu ini menjadi tanggungjawab British. Percubaan untuk membentuk sebuah badan perundangan pada tahun 1962 terpaksa dilupakan kerana berlaku pemberontakan oleh parti pembangkang iaitu Partai Rakyat Brunei dan dengan bantuan British, pemberontakan ini berjaya dibanteras. Manakala pada akhir 1950 dan awal 1960, kerajaan Brunei ketika itu menolak cadangan (walaupun pada awalnya menunjukkan minat) untuk bergabung dengan Singapura, Sabah (سابه), Sarawak, dan Tanah Melayu (تنه ملابو) untuk membentuk Malaysia dan akhirnya Sultan Brunei ketika itu bercadang untuk membentuk sebuah negara yang merdeka.

Pada 1967, Omar Ali Saifuddin telah turun dari takhta dan melantik anakanda sulung baginda, Hassanal Bolkiah, menjadi Sultan Brunei ke-29. Baginda juga berkenan menjadi Menteri Pertahanan setelah Brunei mencapai kemerdekaan penuh dengan gelaran Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan. Pada tahun 1970, pusat pemerintahan negeri Bandar Brunei atau Brunei Town, telah diubah namanya menjadi Bandar Seri Begawan untuk mengenang jasa baginda. Baginda mangkat pada tahun 1986.
Pada 4 Januari 1979, Brunei dan United Kingdom telah menandatangani Perjanjian Kerjasama dan Persahabatan. Pada 1 Januari 1984, Brunei Darussalam telah berjaya mencapai kemerdekaan sepenuhnya

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Brunei 27th National Day

Many countries worldwide commemorate the date when they gained independence after being part of another state or colony. The annual holiday is called independence day and each country celebrates the specific date it achieved its freedom.

Definition: Independence or National Days are perhaps the most important day for a country to commemorate as a national holiday.

For many nations the date is the country's day of independence, often in hard fought battles to claim their freedom.

Some national holidays commemorate a significant day in the history of the country, or the birth of a national hero who helped establish the day the country's independence was declared.

The following list signifies the month each country listed below celebrates Independence Day, National Day or other significant day.

FEBRUARY 23 is a day when the people come together to express their pride and loyalty for the country, senior government officials said of Brunei Darussalam's 27th National Day celebrations yesterday.

"This is a show of unity among the people of Brunei. It is our chance to show our loyalty and togetherness, because Brunei is a small country and we need to work together," said the Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports.

Despite a slight drizzle that could have prompted the traditional marchpast to be called off, more than 20,000 people took part in the celebrations, to which Datin Hjh Adina Othman expressed her happiness over the response in participation.

However, the deputy minister explained that the celebrations extended far beyond the day itself.

"National Day is not just about February 23. It is about the events leading up to the 23rd and events after it," Datin Hjh Adina said, pointing out that more activities were in store to coincide with the celebrations.

Looking towards the future, Brunei's first female deputy minister said that it was up to youth to drive the nation forward.

"The future of the nation relies on our youth. If the youth are not in tandem with us, it is going to be difficult. So we must all move together in the same direction because we cannot afford not to," she said.

The ministry's permanent secretary Dato Paduka Hj Mohd Hamid Hj Mohd Jaafar echoed similar hopes for the youth of Brunei.

"This year, there is a lot of emphasis in targeting the young people, especially schoolchildren... We want to instil in them a great sense of pride, patriotism and nationalism," he said.
In the run-up to yesterday's celebrations, about 30,000 mini-flags were distributed to schools and other institutions nationwide.

"We hope that the young will continue to appreciate and be proud of the country, be loyal to the king and ensure our survival and stability for the future," he said.

Dato Hj Mohd Hamid, who is the co-secretary of this year's celebration's executive committee, also expressed his pride and excitement over the field performances yesterday, and spoke of the country's journey since regaining its full independence in 1984.

"If you look at the number 27, it is a mature age. So, we have come a long way."
Brunei Tourism Development Director Sheikh Jamaluddin Sheikh Mohamed was among the thousands who took part in the marchpast before His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, members of the royal family and the thousands more who thronged the Taman Hj Sir Muda Omar 'Ali Saifuddien to watch the annual spectacle.


The march past was not something new to the tourism director, who has been participating in the parade since 1995, but the feeling of nervousness has yet to spare him. "No matter how many times I pass through those gates (the entrance to the Taman),

I always get nervous to pass in front of His Majesty," he said. The tourism director said that unlike other major holidays celebrated in Brunei, such as Hari Raya and Chinese New Year, the National Day was a day to for all Bruneians to take joy in regardless of race or religion. He said there was no boundary in culture and religion for this was everybody's occasion.

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